Getting Started
Fork this repository.
Clone your fork to your local machine.
Go to and click "Add an OAuth App".
Enter a label, set the callback URL to
, and check the "Public" checkbox.After your OAuth App has been created, copy the ID (not the secret).
, copy the contents of.env.example
and paste them into a new file called.env
to the ID from step 5.Install Node.js 20.17 LTS. We recommend using Volta:
bashcurl | bash ## Add volta to your .*rc file, or open a new terminal window. volta install node@20.17 node --version ## v20.17.0
Install pnpm v10 using Volta or view the pnpm docs for more installation methods
bashvolta install pnpm@10 pnpm --version # 10.2.0
Navigate to the root directory of the repository
pnpm bootstrap
to install dependencies and perform an initial build of our packagesRun
pnpm dev
to start the local development server. Cloud Manager should be running athttp://localhost:3000
Serving a production build of Cloud Manager
You can build a production bundle of Cloud Manager and serve it locally.
pnpm install
pnpm run --filter @linode/validation build # build the @linode/validation package
pnpm run --filter @linode/api-v4 build # build the @linode/api-v4 (it depends on @linode/validation)
pnpm run --filter linode-manager build # build a production bundle of Cloud Manager
pnpm run --filter linode-manager start:ci # start a local http server on http://localhost:3000/
Exposing Cloud Manager's dev server to the network
By default, Cloud Manager's dev server only listens on localhost
. If you need to expose the Vite dev server to all network interfaces, you can use the following command.
Note: This is useful for running Cloud Manager's dev server in Docker-like environments
pnpm run up:expose