Unit Tests
The unit tests for Cloud Manager are written in Typescript using the Vitest testing framework. Unit tests end with either .test.tsx
or .test.ts
file extensions and can be found throughout the codebase.
To run tests, first ensure dependencies are installed and packages are built:
pnpm bootstrap
Then you can start the tests:
pnpm test
Or you can run the tests in watch mode with:
pnpm test:watch
To run a specific file or files in a directory:
pnpm test myFile.test.tsx
pnpm test src/some-folder
Vitest has built-in pattern matching, so you can also do things like run all tests whose filename contains "Linode" with:
pnpm test linode
React Testing Library
This library provides a set of tools to render React components from within the Vitest environment. The library's philosophy is that components should be tested as closely as possible to how they are used.
A simple test using this library will look something like this:
import { renderWithTheme } from "src/utilities/testHelpers";
import Component from "./wherever";
describe("My component", () => {
it("should have some text", () => {
const { getByText } = renderWithTheme(<Component />);
getByText("some text");
Handling events such as clicks is a little more involved:
import { userEvent } from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { renderWithTheme } from "src/utilities/testHelpers";
import Component from "./wherever";
const props = { onClick: vi.fn() };
describe("My component", () => {
it("should have some text", async () => {
const { getByText } = renderWithTheme(<Component {...props} />);
const button = getByText("Submit");
await userEvent.click(button);
We recommend using userEvent
rather than fireEvent
where possible. This is a React Testing Library best practice, because userEvent
more accurately simulates user interactions in a browser and makes the test more reliable in catching unintended event handler behavior.
If, while using the Testing Library, your tests trigger a warning in the console from React ("Warning: An update to Component inside a test was not wrapped in act(...)"), first check out the library author's blog post about this. Depending on your situation, you probably will have to use findBy
or waitFor
for something in your test to ensure asynchronous side-effects have completed.
Vitest has substantial built-in mocking capabilities, and we use many of the available patterns. We generally use them to avoid making network requests in unit tests, but there are some other cases (mentioned below).
In general, components that make network requests should take any request handlers as props. Then testing is as simple as passing someProp: vi.fn()
and making assertions normally. When that isn't possible, you can do the following:
vi.mock('@linode/api-v4/lib/kubernetes', async () => {
const actual = await vi.importActual<any>('@linode/api-v4/lib/kubernetes');
return {
getKubeConfig: () => vi.fn(),
Some components, such as our ActionMenu, don't lend themselves well to unit testing (they often have complex DOM structures from MUI and it's hard to target). We have mocks for most of these components in a __mocks__
directory adjacent to their respective components. To make use of these, just tell Vitest to use the mock:
Any <ActionMenu>
s rendered by the test will be simplified versions that are easier to work with.
Mocking Redux state
The wrapWithTheme
and renderWithTheme
helper functions take a customStore
option, used as follows:
import { renderWithTheme } from 'src/utilities/testHelpers.ts`;
const { getByTestId } = renderWithTheme(<MyComponent />, {
customStore: {} // <-- Redux store specified here
The customStore
prop is of type DeepPartial<ApplicationState>
, so only the fields needed to satisfy the conditions of your test are needed.
Several helpers are available in src/utilities/testHelpersStore.ts
to simulate common scenarios (withManaged, withRestrictedUser, etc).
Mocking feature flags
Another option the wrapWithTheme
and renderWithTheme
helper functions expose is flags
, to supply custom feature flags:
import { renderWithTheme } from 'src/utilities/testHelpers.ts`;
const { getByTestId } = renderWithTheme(<MyComponent />, {
flags: { myFeature: true } // <-- Feature Flags specified here
Mocking with Mock Service Worker
We support mocking API requests both in test suites and the browser using the msw library. See 09-mocking-data for more details.
These mocks are automatically enabled for tests (using beforeAll
and afterAll
in src/setupTests.ts, which is run when setting up the Vitest environment).
End-to-End tests
We use Cypress for end-to-end testing. Test files are found in the packages/manager/cypress/e2e
First Time Setup
- Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your
file and get Cloud Manager running locally. - Go to cloud.linode.com/profile/tokens, click "Create a Personal Access Token", and create a token to use for your end-to-end tests.
- Select a reasonable expiry time (avoid "Never") and make sure that every permission is set to "Read/Write".
- Set the
environment variable in your.env
file using your new personal access token.Example of
addition:shell# Manager OAuth token for Cypress tests: # (The real token will be a 64-digit string of hexadecimals). MANAGER_OAUTH='################################################################'
Running End-to-End Tests
- In one terminal window, run the app with
pnpm dev
. - In another terminal window, run all of the tests with
pnpm cy:run
.- Alternatively, use Cypress's interactive interface with
pnpm cy:debug
if you're focused on a single test suite.
- Alternatively, use Cypress's interactive interface with
Configuring End-to-End Tests
Cloud Manager UI tests can be configured using environment variables, which can be defined in packages/manager/.env
or specified when running Cypress.
Cypress Environment Variables
These environment variables are used by Cypress out-of-the-box to override the default configuration. Cypress exposes many other options that can be configured with environment variables, but the items listed below are particularly relevant for Cloud Manager testing. More information can be found at docs.cypress.io.
Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default |
CYPRESS_BASE_URL | URL to Cloud Manager environment for tests | https://cloud.linode.com | http://localhost:3000 |
Cloud Manager-specific Environment Variables
These environment variables are specific to Cloud Manager UI tests. They can be distinguished from out-of-the-box Cypress environment variables by their CY_TEST_
Environment variables related to the general operation of the Cloud Manager Cypress tests.
Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default |
CY_TEST_SUITE | Name of the Cloud Manager UI test suite to run. Possible values are core or synthetic . | synthetic | Unset; defaults to core suite |
CY_TEST_TAGS | Query identifying tests that should run by specifying allowed and disallowed tags. | method:e2e | Unset; all tests run by default |
Overriding Behavior
These environment variables can be used to override some behaviors of Cloud Manager's UI tests. This can be useful when testing Cloud Manager for nonstandard or work-in-progress functionality.
Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default |
CY_TEST_FEATURE_FLAGS | JSON string containing feature flag data | {} | Unset; feature flag data is not overridden |
Run Splitting
These environment variables facilitate splitting the Cypress run between multiple runners without the use of any third party services. This can be useful for improving Cypress test performance in some circumstances. For additional performance gains, an optional test weights file can be specified using CY_TEST_SPLIT_RUN_WEIGHTS
to generate test weights).
Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default |
CY_TEST_SPLIT_RUN | Enable run splitting | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_SPLIT_RUN_INDEX | Numeric index for each Cypress test runner | 1 , 2 , etc. | Unset |
CY_TEST_SPLIT_RUN_TOTAL | Total number of runners for the tests | 2 | Unset |
CY_TEST_SPLIT_RUN_WEIGHTS | Path to test weights file | ./weights.json | Unset; disabled by default |
Development, Logging, and Reporting
Environment variables related to Cypress logging and reporting, as well as report generation.
Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default |
CY_TEST_USER_REPORT | Log test account information when tests begin | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_JUNIT_REPORT | Enable JUnit reporting | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_DISABLE_FILE_WATCHING | Disable file watching in Cypress UI | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_DISABLE_RETRIES | Disable test retries on failure in CI | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_FAIL_ON_MANAGED | Fail affected tests when Managed is enabled | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_GENWEIGHTS | Generate and output test weights to the given path | ./weights.json | Unset; disabled by default |
CY_TEST_RESET_PREFERENCES | Reset user preferences when test run begins | 1 | Unset; disabled by default |
Environment variables that can be used to improve test performance in some scenarios.
Environment Variable | Description | Example | Default |
CY_TEST_ACCOUNT_CACHE_DIR | Directory containing test account cache data | ./cache/accounts | Unset; disabled by default |
Writing End-to-End Tests
Look here for Cypress Best Practices
Test Example:
tsx/* this test will not pass on cloud manager. it is only intended to show correct test structure, syntax, and to provide examples of patterns/methods commonly used in the tests */ // start of a test block. Multiple tests can be nested within describe('linode landing checks', () => { // hook that runs before each test beforeEach(() => { // uses factory to build data (factories found in packages/manager/src/factories) const mockAccountSettings = accountSettingsFactory.build({ managed: false, }); // mocks response with cy.intercept cy.intercept('GET', '*/account/settings', (req) => { req.reply(mockAccountSettings); //alias }).as('getAccountSettings'); }); // start of individual test block it('checks the landng page side menu items', () => { /* intercept only once method for when a call happens multiple times but you only want to stub it once declared in `/cypress/support/ui/common.ts` */ interceptOnce('GET', '*/profile/preferences*', { linodes_view_style: 'list', linodes_group_by_tag: false, volumes_group_by_tag: false, desktop_sidebar_open: false, sortKeys: { 'linodes-landing': { order: 'asc', orderBy: 'label' }, volume: { order: 'asc', orderBy: 'label' }, }, // intercept aliased as `getProfilePreferences` }).as('getProfilePreferences'); /* uses .env variables for login authorization and navigates to /linodes page. `visitWithLogin` is found in /cypress/support/login.ts */ cy.visitWithLogin('/linodes'); // as page loads, wait by alias to mock state cy.wait('@getProfilePreferences'); cy.wait('@getAccountSettings'); cy.get(`tr[data-qa-linode="${label}"]`).should('be.visible').within(() => { // use `within` to search inside/use data from/assert on a specific page element cy.get(`[data-qa-ip-main]`) // `realHover` and more real event methods from cypress real events plugin .realHover() .then(() => { cy.get(`[aria-label="Copy ${ip} to clipboard"]`).should('be.visible'); }); cy.get(`[aria-label="Action menu for Linode ${label}"]`).should('be.visible'); }); // `findByText` and others from cypress testing library plugin cy.findByText('Oh Snap!', { timeout: 1000 }).should('not.exist'); }); });
How to use intercepts:
tsx// stub response syntax: cy.intercept('POST', ‘/path’, {response}) or cy.intercept(‘/path’, (req) => { req.reply({response})}).as('something'); // edit and end response syntax: cy.intercept('GET', ‘/path’, (req) => { req.send({edit: something})}).as('something'); // edit request syntax: cy.intercept('POST', ‘/path’, (req) => { req.body.storyName = 'some name'; req.continue().as('something'); // use alias syntax: wait(‘@something’).then({})