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API Events

In order to display Events, Cloud Manager polls the account/events endpoint at a 16 second interval, or every 2 seconds if there are “in-progress” events.

In order to display these messages in the application (Notification Center, /events page), we compose messages according to the Event key (EventAction). Each key requires an entry and set of custom messages for each status (EventStatus), dictated by API specs. Not every Status is required for a given Action.

Adding a new Action and Composing Messages

In order to add a new Action, one must add a new key to the read-only EventActionKeys constant array in the api-v4 package. Once that's done, a related entry must be added to the eventMessages Event Map. In order to do so, the entry can either be added to an existing Event Factory or a new one. eventMessages is strictly typed, so the action needs to be added to an existing factory or a new one, depending on its key (in this example the action starts with linode_ so it belongs in the linode.tsx factory):

import { EventLink } from '../EventLink';

import type { PartialEventMap } from '../types';

export const linode: PartialEventMap<'linode'> = {
  linode_addip: {
    notification: (e) => (
        An IP address has been <strong>added</strong> to Linode{' '}
        <EventLink event={e} to="entity" />.

The convention to compose the message is as follows:

  • Use the <EventLink /> component for linking entity or secondary_entity. This component includes a lookup util to format the link href according to the feature.
  • The bolding should only be applied to:
    • the primary action: (ex: <strong>created</strong>)
    • its correlated negation for negative actions (ex: could <strong>not</strong> be <strong>created</strong>.)
  • The message should be also handled via the <EventMessage message={e.message} /> in order to handle potential formatting from the API string (ticks to indicate code blocks).
  • The message composition can be enhanced by using custom components. For instance, if we need to fetch extra data based on an event entity, we can simply write a new component to include in the message:
export const linode: PartialEventMap<'linode'> = {
  linode_migrate_datacenter: {
    started: (e) => <LinodeMigrateDataCenterMessage event={e} />,

const LinodeMigrateDataCenterMessage = ({ event }: { event: Event }) => {
  const { data: linode } = useLinodeQuery(event.entity?.id ?? -1);
  const { data: regions } = useRegionsQuery();
  const region = regions?.find((r) => === linode?.region);

  return (
      Linode <EventLink event={event} to="entity" /> is being{' '}
      {region && (
          {' '}
          to <strong>{region.label}</strong>

In Progress Events

Some event messages are meant to be displayed alongside a progress bar to show the user the percentage of the action's completion. When an action is in progress, the polling interval switches to every two seconds to provide real-time feedback.

Despite receiving a percent_complete value from the API, not all actions are suitable for displaying visual progress, often because they're too short, or we only receive 0% and 100% from the endpoint. To allow only certain events to feature the progress bar, their action keys must be added to the ACTIONS_TO_INCLUDE_AS_PROGRESS_EVENTS constant.

Displaying Events in snackbars

We can leverage the Event Message factories in order to display events in snackbars/toasts when a given action gets triggered via APIv4.

const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();

try {
  const successMessage = getEventMessage({
    action: 'image_upload',
    entity: {
      label: 'Entity',
      url: '/image/123',
    status: 'notification',

  const showToast = (variant: any) =>
  enqueueSnackbar(successMessage, {
}, catch {
  const failureMessage = getEventMessage({
    action: 'image_upload',
    // in this case we don't add an entity since we know we can't link to it
    status: 'failed',

  const showToast = (variant: any) =>
  enqueueSnackbar(failureMessage, {

Both action and status are required. The entity and secondary_entity can optionally be passed to allow for linking. Note: it is possible the Event Message linking will be missing if the action status message expects either value but isn't not provided by the instance call.

If a corresponding status does not exist (ex: "failed"), it's encouraged to add it to the Action. Event if not triggered by the API, it can be useful to have a reusable Event Message to use through the App.