This guide covers how VPC is used with CAPL clusters. By default, CAPL clusters are provisioned within VPC.

Default configuration

Each linode within a cluster gets provisioned with two interfaces:

  1. eth0 (connected to VPC, for pod-to-pod traffic and public traffic)
  2. eth1 (for nodebalancer traffic)

Key facts about VPC network configuration:

  1. VPCs are provisioned with a private subnet
  2. All pod-to-pod communication happens over the VPC interface (eth0).
  3. We assign a pod CIDR of range for pod-to-pod communication.
  4. By default, cilium is configured with native routing
  5. Kubernetes host-scope IPAM mode is used to assign pod CIDRs to nodes. We run linode CCM with route-controller enabled which automatically adds/updates routes within VPC when pod cidrs are added/updated by k8s. This enables pod-to-pod traffic to be routable within the VPC.
  6. kube-proxy is disabled by default.

Configuring the VPC interface

In order to configure the VPC interface beyond the default above, an explicit interface can be configured in the LinodeMachineTemplate. When the LinodeMachine controller find an interface with purpose: vpc it will automatically inject the SubnetID from the VPCRef.

Example template where the VPC interface is not the primary interface

apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha2
kind: LinodeMachineTemplate
  name: test-cluster-md-0
  namespace: default
      region: "us-mia"
      type: "g6-standard-4"
      image: linode/ubuntu22.04
      - purpose: vpc
        primary: false
      - purpose: public
        primary: true

How VPC is provisioned

A VPC is tied to a region. CAPL generates LinodeVPC manifest which contains the VPC name, region and subnet information. By defult, VPC name is set to cluster name but can be overwritten by specifying relevant environment variable.

apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha2
kind: LinodeVPC
  name: ${VPC_NAME:=${CLUSTER_NAME}}
    cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  region: ${LINODE_REGION}
    - ipv4:
      label: default

Reference to LinodeVPC object is added to LinodeCluster object which then uses the specified VPC to provision resources.


If pod-to-pod connectivity is failing

If a pod can't ping pod ips on different node, check and make sure pod CIDRs are added to ip_ranges of VPC interface.

curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer $LINODE_API_TOKEN' -X GET https://api.linode.com/v4/linode/instances/${LINODEID}/configs | jq .data[0].interfaces[].ip_ranges


CIDR returned in the output of above command should match with the pod CIDR present in node's spec k get node <nodename> -o yaml | yq .spec.podCIDRs

Running cilium connectivity tests

One can also run cilium connectivity tests to make sure networking works fine within VPC. Follow the steps defined in cilium e2e tests guide to install cilium binary, set the KUBECONFIG variable and then run cilium connectivity tests.