Troubleshooting Guide

This guide covers common issues users might run into when using Cluster API Provider Linode. This list is work-in-progress, please feel free to open a PR to add this guide if you find that useful information is missing.

Examples of common issues

No Linode resources are getting created

This could be due to the LINODE_TOKEN either not being set in your environment or expired. If expired, provision a new token and optionally set the "Expiry" to "Never" (default expiry is 6 months).

One or more control plane replicas are missing

Take a look at the KubeadmControlPlane controller logs and look for any potential errors:

kubectl logs deploy/capi-kubeadm-control-plane-controller-manager -n capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system manager

In addition, make sure all pods on the workload cluster are healthy, including pods in the kube-system namespace.

Otherwise, ensure that the linode-ccm is installed on your workload cluster via CAAPH.

Nodes are in NotReady state

Make sure a CNI is installed on the workload cluster and that all the pods on the workload cluster are in running state.

If the Cluster is labeled with cni: <cluster-name>-cilium, check that the <cluster-name>-cilium HelmChartProxy is installed in the management cluster and that the HelmChartProxy is in a Ready state:

kubectl get cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --show-labels
kubectl get helmchartproxies

Checking CAPI and CAPL resources

To check the progression of all CAPI and CAPL resources on the management cluster you can run:

kubectl get cluster-api

Looking at the CAPL controller logs

To check the CAPL controller logs on the management cluster, run:

kubectl logs deploy/capl-controller-manager -n capl-system manager

Checking cloud-init logs (Debian / Ubuntu)

Cloud-init logs can provide more information on any issues that happened when running the bootstrap script.


Not all Debian and Ubuntu images available from Linode support cloud-init! Please see the Availability section of the Linode Metadata Service Guide.

You can also see which images have cloud-init support via the linode-cli:

linode-cli images list | grep cloud-init

Please refer to the Troubleshoot Metadata and Cloud-Init section of the Linode Metadata Service Guide.