Getting started with CAPL


For more information please see the Linode Guide.

Setting up your cluster environment variables

Once you have provisioned your PAT, save it in an environment variable along with other required settings:

export LINODE_REGION=us-ord
export LINODE_TOKEN=<your linode PAT>
export LINODE_MACHINE_TYPE=g6-standard-2


For Regions and Images that do not yet support Akamai's cloud-init datasource CAPL will automatically use a stackscript shim to provision the node. If you are using a custom image ensure the cloud_init flag is set correctly on it


By default, clusters are provisioned within VPC. For Regions which do not have VPC support yet, use the VPCLess flavor to have clusters provisioned.

Register linode as an infrastructure provider

  1. Add linode as an infrastructure provider in ~/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml
       - name: linode-linode
         type: InfrastructureProvider

Install CAPL on your management cluster

Install CAPL and enable the helm addon provider which is used by the majority of the CAPL flavors

clusterctl init --infrastructure linode-linode --addon helm

Deploying your first cluster

Please refer to the default flavor section for creating your first Kubernetes cluster on Linode using Cluster API.