CAPL Testing
Unit Tests
Executing Tests
In order to run the unit tests run the following command
make test
Creating Tests
General unit tests of functions follow the same conventions for testing using Go's testing
standard library, along with the testify toolkit for making assertions.
Unit tests that require API clients use mock clients generated using gomock. To simplify the usage of mock clients, this repo also uses an internal library defined in mock/mocktest
is usually imported as a dot import along with the mock
import (
. ""
Using mocktest
involves creating a test suite that specifies the mock clients to be used within each test scope and running the test suite using a DSL for defnining test nodes belong to one or more test paths.
The following is a contrived example using the mock Linode machine client.
Let's say we've written an idempotent function EnsureInstanceRuns
that 1) gets an instance or creates it if it doesn't exist, 2) boots the instance if it's offline. Testing this function would mean we'd need to write test cases for all permutations, i.e.
- instance exists and is not offline
- instance exists but is offline, and is able to boot
- instance exists but is offline, and is not able to boot
- instance does not exist, and is not able to be created
- instance does not exist, and is able to be created, and is able to boot
- instance does not exist, and is able to be created, and is not able to boot
While writing test cases for each scenario, we'd likely find a lot of overlap between each. mocktest
provides a DSL for defining each unique test case without needing to spell out all required mock client calls for each case. Here's how we could test EnsureInstanceRuns
using mocktest
func TestEnsureInstanceNotOffline(t *testing.T) {
suite := NewSuite(t, mock.MockLinodeMachineClient{})
Call("instance exists and is not offline", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
mck.MachineClient.EXPECT().GetInstance(ctx, /* ... */).Return(&linodego.Instance{Status: linodego.InstanceRunning}, nil)
Result("success", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
inst, err := EnsureInstanceNotOffline(ctx, /* ... */)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, inst.Status, linodego.InstanceRunning)
Call("instance does not exist", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
mck.MachineClient.EXPECT().GetInstance(ctx, /* ... */).Return(nil, linodego.Error{Code: 404})
Path(Call("able to be created", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
mck.MachineClient.EXPECT().CreateInstance(ctx, /* ... */).Return(&linodego.Instance{Status: linodego.InstanceOffline}, nil)
Call("not able to be created", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {/* ... */})
Result("error", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
inst, err := EnsureInstanceNotOffline(ctx, /* ... */)
require.ErrorContains(t, err, "instance was not booted: failed to create instance: reasons...")
Path(Call("instance exists but is offline", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
mck.MachineClient.EXPECT().GetInstance(ctx, /* ... */).Return(&linodego.Instance{Status: linodego.InstanceOffline}, nil)
Call("able to boot", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {/* */})
Result("success", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
inst, err := EnsureInstanceNotOffline(ctx, /* ... */)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, inst.Status, linodego.InstanceBooting)
Call("not able to boot", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {/* returns API error */})
Result("error", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
inst, err := EnsureInstanceNotOffline(/* options */)
require.ErrorContains(t, err, "instance was not booted: boot failed: reasons...")
In this example, the nodes passed into Run
are used to describe each permutation of the function being called with different results from the mock Linode machine client.
describes the behavior of method calls by mock clients. ACall
node can belong to one or more paths.Result
invokes the function with mock clients and tests the output. AResult
node terminates each path it belongs to.OneOf
is a collection of diverging paths that will be evaluated in separate test cases.Path
is a collection of nodes that all belong to the same test path. Each child node of aPath
is evaluated in order. Note thatPath
is only needed for logically grouping and isolating nodes within different test cases in aOneOf
Setup, tear down, and event triggers
Setup and tear down nodes can be scheduled before and after each run. suite.BeforeEach
receives a func(context.Context, Mock)
function that will run before each path is evaluated. Likewise, suite.AfterEach
will run after each path is evaluated.
In addition to the path nodes listed in the section above, a special node type Once
may be specified to inject a function that will only be evaluated one time across all paths. It can be used to trigger side effects outside of mock client behavior that can impact the output of the function being tested.
Control flow
When Run
is called on a test suite, paths are evaluated in parallel using t.Parallel()
. Each path will be run with a separate t.Run
call, and each test run will be named according to the descriptions specified in each node.
To help with visualizing the paths that will be rendered from nodes, a DescribePaths
helper function can be called which returns a slice of strings describing each path. For instance, the following shows the output of DescribePaths
on the paths described in the example above:
DescribePaths(/* nodes... */) /* [
"instance exists and is not offline > success",
"instance does not exist > not able to be created > error",
"instance does not exist > able to be created > able to boot > success",
"instance does not exist > able to be created > not able to boot > error",
"instance exists but is offline > able to boot > success",
"instance exists but is offline > not able to boot > error"
] */
Testing controllers
CAPL uses controller-runtime's envtest package which runs an instance of etcd and the Kubernetes API server for testing controllers. The test setup uses ginkgo as its test runner as well as gomega for assertions.
is also recommended when writing tests for controllers. The following is another contrived example of how to use its controller suite:
var _ = Describe("linode creation", func() {
// Create a mocktest controller suite.
suite := NewControllerSuite(GinkgoT(), mock.MockLinodeMachineClient{})
obj := infrav1alpha2.LinodeMachine{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{/* ... */}
Spec: infrav1alpha2.LinodeMachineSpec{/* ... */}
Once("create resource", func(ctx context.Context, _ Mock) {
// Use the EnvTest k8sClient to create the resource in the test server
Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, &obj).To(Succeed()))
Call("create a linode", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
mck.MachineClient.CreateInstance(ctx, gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(&linodego.Instance{/* ... */}, nil)
Result("update the resource status after linode creation", func(ctx context.Context, mck Mock) {
reconciler := LinodeMachineReconciler{
// Configure the reconciler to use the mock client for this test path
LinodeClient: mck.MachineClient,
// Use a managed recorder for capturing events published during this test
Recorder: mck.Recorder(),
// Use a managed logger for capturing logs written during the test
// Note: This isn't a real struct field in LinodeMachineReconciler. A logger is configured elsewhere.
Logger: mck.Logger(),
_, err := reconciler.Reconcile(ctx, reconcile.Request{/* ... */})
// Fetch the updated object in the test server and confirm it was updated
Expect(k8sClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(obj))).To(Succeed())
// Check for expected events and logs
Expect(mck.Events()).To(ContainSubstring("Linode created!"))
Expect(mck.Logs()).To(ContainSubstring("Linode created!"))
E2E Tests
For e2e tests CAPL uses the Chainsaw project which leverages kind
and tilt
spin up a cluster with the CAPL controllers installed and then uses chainsaw-test.yaml
files to drive e2e testing.
All test live in the e2e folder with a directory structure of e2e/${COMPONENT}/${TEST_NAME}
Environment Setup
The e2e tests use the local-linode
infrastructure provider, this is registered by adding the following to ~/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml
- name: local-linode
url: ${HOME}/cluster-api-provider-linode/infrastructure-local-linode/v0.0.0/infrastructure-components.yaml
type: InfrastructureProvider
Running Tests
In order to run e2e tests run the following commands:
# Required env vars to run e2e tests
export LINODE_REGION=us-sea
export LINODE_MACHINE_TYPE=g6-standard-2
make e2etest
Note: By default make e2etest
runs all the e2e tests defined under /e2e
In order to run specific test, you need to pass flags to chainsaw by setting env var E2E_SELECTOR
Additional settings can be passed to chainsaw by setting env var E2E_FLAGS
Example: Only running e2e tests for flavors (default, k3s, rke2)
make e2etest E2E_SELECTOR='flavors' E2E_FLAGS='--assert-timeout 10m0s'
Note: We need to bump up the assert timeout to 10 mins to allow the cluster to complete building and become available
There are other selectors you can use to invoke specfic tests. Please look at the table below for all the selectors available:
Tests | Selector |
All Tests | all |
All Controllers | quick |
All Flavors (default, k3s, rke2) | flavors |
K3S Cluster | k3s |
RKE2 Cluster | rke2 |
Default (kubeadm) Cluster | kubeadm |
Linode Cluster Controller | linodecluster |
Linode Machine Controller | linodemachine |
Linode Obj Controller | linodeobj |
Linode Obj Key Controller | linodeobjkey |
Linode VPC Controller | linodevpc |
Note: For any flavor e2e tests, please set the required env variables
Adding Tests
- Create a new directory under the controller you are testing with the naming scheme of
- Create a minimal
file in the new test dir# yaml-language-server: $schema= apiVersion: kind: Test metadata: name: $TEST_NAME spec: template: true # set to true if you are going to use any chainsaw templating steps: - name: step-01 try: - apply: file: ${resource_name}.yaml - assert: file: 01-assert.yaml
- Add any resources to create or assert on in the same directory