Developing Cluster API Provider Linode


Setting up

Base requirements


Ensure you have your LINODE_TOKEN set as outlined in the getting started prerequisites section.

There are no requirements since development dependencies are fetched as needed via the make targets, but a recommendation is to install Devbox

Optional Environment Variables

export LINODE_URL= # Default unset. Set this to talk to a specific linode api endpoint
export LINODE_CA_BASE64= # Default empty. Set this to base64 encoded content of specific CA when talking to custom linode API
export CAPL_DEBUG=false # Default false. Set this to true to enable delve integration
export INSTALL_K3S_PROVIDER=false # Default false. Set this to true to enable k3s capi provider installation
export INSTALL_RKE2_PROVIDER=false # Default false. Set this to true to enable the RKE2 capi provider installation
export INSTALL_HELM_PROVIDER=true # Default true. Set this to true to enable CAAPH provider installation
export INSTALL_KUBEADM_PROVIDER=true # Default true. Set this to true to enable kubeadm CAPI provider installation
export SKIP_DOCKER_BUILD=false # Default false. Set this to true to skip local docker builds of CAPL images
export CAPL_MONITORING=false # Default false. Set this to true to install the kube-prometheus-stack and capl serviceMonitor

Clone the source code

git clone
cd cluster-api-provider-linode

Enable git hooks

To enable automatic code validation on code push, execute the following commands:

PATH="$PWD/bin:$PATH" make husky && husky install

If you would like to temporarily disable git hook, set SKIP_GIT_PUSH_HOOK value:

  1. Install dependent packages in your project

    devbox install

    This will take a while, go and grab a drink of water.

  2. Use devbox environment

    devbox shell

From this point you can use the devbox shell like a regular shell. The rest of the guide assumes a devbox shell is used, but the make target dependencies will install any missing dependencies if needed when running outside a devbox shell.

Get familiar with basic concepts

This provider is based on the Cluster API project. It's recommended to familiarize yourself with Cluster API resources, concepts, and conventions outlined in the Cluster API Book.


This repository uses Go Modules to track and vendor dependencies.

To pin a new dependency, run:

go get <repository>@<version>

Code Overview

The code in this repo is organized across the following packages:

  • /api contains the custom resource types managed by CAPL.
  • /cmd contains the main entrypoint for registering controllers and running the controller manager.
  • /controller contains the various controllers that run in CAPL for reconciling the custom resource types.
  • /cloud/scope contains all Kubernetes client interactions scoped to each resource reconciliation loop. Each "scope" object is expected to store both a Kubernetes client and a Linode client.
  • /cloud/services contains all Linode client interactions. Functions defined in this package all expect a "scope" object which contains a Linode client to use.
  • /mock contains gomock clients generated from /cloud/scope/client.go.
  • /util/ contains general-use helper functions used in other packages.
  • /util/reconciler contains helper functions and constants used within the /controller package.

When adding a new controller, it is preferable that controller code only use the Kubernetes and Linode clients via functions defined in /cloud/scope and /cloud/services. This ensures each separate package can be tested in isolation using mock clients.

Using tilt


If you want to create RKE2 and/or K3s clusters, make sure to set the following env vars first:


Additionally, if you want to skip the docker build step for CAPL to instead use the latest image on main from Dockerhub, set the following:


To build a kind cluster and start Tilt, simply run:

make local-deploy

Once your kind management cluster is up and running, you can deploy a workload cluster.

To tear down the tilt-cluster, run

kind delete cluster --name tilt

Deploying a workload cluster

After your kind management cluster is up and running with Tilt, you should be ready to deploy your first cluster.

Generating local cluster templates

For local development, templates should be generated via:

make local-release

This creates infrastructure-local-linode/v0.0.0/ with all the cluster templates:

├── cluster-template-clusterclass-kubeadm.yaml
├── cluster-template-etcd-backup-restore.yaml
├── cluster-template-k3s.yaml
├── cluster-template-rke2.yaml
├── cluster-template.yaml
├── clusterclass-kubeadm.yaml
├── infrastructure-components.yaml
└── metadata.yaml

This can then be used with clusterctl by adding the following to ~/.cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml:

  - name: local-linode
    url: ${HOME}/cluster-api-provider-linode/infrastructure-local-linode/v0.0.0/infrastructure-components.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider

Customizing the cluster deployment

Here is a list of required configuration parameters:

## Cluster settings
export CLUSTER_NAME=capl-cluster

## Linode settings
export LINODE_REGION=us-ord
# Multi-tenancy: This may be changed for each cluster to deploy to different Linode accounts.
export LINODE_TOKEN=<your linode PAT>
export LINODE_MACHINE_TYPE=g6-standard-2


You can also use clusterctl generate to see which variables need to be set:

clusterctl generate cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --infrastructure local-linode:v0.0.0 [--flavor <flavor>] --list-variables

Creating the workload cluster

Using the default flavor

Once you have all the necessary environment variables set, you can deploy a workload cluster with the default flavor:

clusterctl generate cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
  --kubernetes-version v1.29.1 \
  --infrastructure local-linode:v0.0.0 \
  | kubectl apply -f -

This will provision the cluster within VPC with the CNI defaulted to cilium and the linode-ccm installed.

Using ClusterClass (alpha)

ClusterClass experimental feature is enabled by default in the KIND management cluster created via make tilt-cluster

You can use the clusterclass flavor to create a workload cluster as well, assuming the management cluster has the ClusterTopology feature gate set:

clusterctl generate cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
  --kubernetes-version v1.29.1 \
  --infrastructure local-linode:v0.0.0 \
  --flavor clusterclass-kubeadm \
  | kubectl apply -f -

For any issues, please refer to the troubleshooting guide.

Cleaning up the workload cluster

To delete the cluster, simply run:

kubectl delete cluster $CLUSTER_NAME


VPCs are not deleted when a cluster is deleted using kubectl. One can run kubectl delete linodevpc <vpcname> to cleanup VPC once cluster is deleted.

For any issues, please refer to the troubleshooting guide.

Debugging CAPL Controllers

CAPL supports using Delve to attach a debugger to CAPL. This will start Delve in the CAPL container on port 40000 and use Tilt live_reload to rebuild the CAPL Controller on your host and insert it into the container without needing to rebuild the container.

CAPL_DEBUG=true make tilt-cluster

Automated Testing

E2E Testing

To run E2E locally run:

# Required env vars to run e2e tests
export LINODE_REGION=us-sea
export LINODE_MACHINE_TYPE=g6-standard-2

make e2etest

This command creates a KIND cluster, and executes all the defined tests.

For more details on E2E tests, please refer to E2E Testing
