Cilium BGP Load-Balancing

This flavor creates special labeled worker nodes for ingress which leverage Cilium's BGP Control Plane and LB IPAM support.

With this flavor, Services exposed via type: LoadBalancer automatically get assigned an ExternalIP provisioned as a shared IP through the linode-CCM, which is deployed with the necessary settings to perform shared IP load-balancing.


There are a couple important caveats to load balancing support based on current Linode networking and API limitations:

  1. Ingress traffic will not be split between BGP peer nodes

    Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) is not supported on the BGP routers so ingress traffic will not be split between each BGP Node in the cluster. One Node will be actively receiving traffic and the other(s) will act as standby(s).

  2. Customer support is required to use this feature at this time

    Since this uses additional IPv4 addresses on the nodes participating in Cilium's BGPPeeringPolicy, you need to contact our Support team to be permitted to add extra IPs.


Dual-stack support is enabled for clusters using this flavor since IPv6 is used for router and neighbor solicitation.

Without enabling dual-stack support, the IPv6 traffic is blocked if the Cilium host firewall is enabled (which it is by default in CAPL), even if there are no configured CiliumClusterWideNetworkPolicies or the policy is set to audit (default) instead of enforce (see More information about firewalling can be found on the Firewalling page.


Control PlaneCNIDefault OSInstalls ClusterClassIPv4IPv6
KubeadmCiliumUbuntu 22.04NoYesYes


  1. Quickstart completed


  1. (Optional) Set up environment variable

    # Optional
  2. Generate cluster yaml

    clusterctl generate cluster test-cluster \
        --kubernetes-version v1.29.1 \
        --infrastructure linode-linode \
        --flavor kubeadm-cilium-bgp-lb > test-cluster.yaml
  3. Apply cluster yaml

    kubectl apply -f test-cluster.yaml

After the cluster exists, you can create a Service exposed with type: LoadBalancer and it will automatically get assigned an ExternalIP. It's recommended to set up an ingress controller (e.g. to avoid needing to expose multiple LoadBalancer Services within the cluster.