This flavor uses RKE2 for the kubernetes distribution. By default it configures the cluster with the CIS profile:

Using the generic cis profile will ensure that the cluster passes the CIS benchmark (rke2-cis-1.XX-profile-hardened) associated with the Kubernetes version that RKE2 is running. For example, RKE2 v1.28.XX with the profile: cis will pass the rke2-cis-1.7-profile-hardened in Rancher.


Until this upstream PR is merged, CIS profile enabling will not work for RKE2 versions >= v1.29.


Control PlaneCNIDefault OSInstalls ClusterClassIPv4IPv6
rke2CiliumUbuntu 22.04NoYesNo



  1. Generate cluster yaml
    clusterctl generate cluster test-cluster \
        --kubernetes-version v1.29.1+rke2r1 \
        --infrastructure linode-linode \
        --flavor rke2 > test-rke2-cluster.yaml
  2. Apply cluster yaml
    kubectl apply -f test-rke2-cluster.yaml